Acilia Swap API

The Acilia NFT Swap API is the equivalent of the 0x Swap API exclusively for NFT order creators (like market makers or NFT marketplaces). Users make one single request through our API (powered by GraphQL or REST API) and receive call-data for both the maker and taker, that can be conveniently settled on-chain - great for discovering, evaluating, and effortlessly implementing the 0x Order protocol.

Safely facilitate NFT trades in your dApps in minutes - without the need of extra dependencies!

The API is Open Source, can be hosted locally (installation instructions), or can be consumed by our publicly hosted API (request access here).

What is the goal of this API

TLDR: To make it dead simple for developers to integrate marketplace functionality with the 0x order protocol. Requirements needed are: knowledge of NFTs (ERC721-ERC1155), know-how to send transactions on Ethereum, and JSON 😂 😃.

For more detail on why this product was build, please see the Use cases section.

Why is this API needed?

The 0x protocol has some incredible resources available to all developers, but we noticed a gap for a certain segment of developers.

Breaking down different steps of the 0x developer process

  1. Beginner: Evaluating 0x - You have a general understanding of how NFTs work, you want to quickly get a product out that involves some marketplace functionality and you are evaluating 0x smart contracts. Persona: Hackathon developer, market makers with test funds

    1. Acilia NFT Swap API is the quickest way to get your product up and running in no time ⭐️ - no need to host your own API.

  2. Shipper: Iterating over product market fit - You have determined that 0x works for your use case, you start having traction, and you want to reduce latency / points of failure from your app. Persona: Startup with PMF

    1. If you use TypeScript, you can migrate to Trader SDK to provide the same swapping functionality without network latency.

    2. If you don't use TypeScript, you can self-host Acilia NFT Swap API using Docker or Kubernetes.

  3. Expert: Locking down the API - Congratulations! you made it and you are running a successful marketplace. You feel comfortable with lower-level primitives like ABI encoding, signatures, hashing. Persona: professional market maker or marketplace with substantial risk

    1. If you are still using community-run tools to generate your orders, you want to build your own libraries to interact with 0x protocol without relying on external dependencies.

Depending on where you are in your journey of exploring the 0x protocol, you may not need this API at all. But for many of you, at the beginning of this journey, Acilia NFT Swap API will provide you a quick integration and allow you to focus on what matters most to you: building your product.

What functionality does the API support

If the concept of a maker and taker are confusing to you, we suggest you look at 0x Protocol introduction page.

🌎 EVM Networks supported

  • Ethereum PoS

  • Polygon

🧩 Collectible types supported

  • ERC721

  • ERC1155 (coming soon)

💰 NFT payment medium supported

  • ERC20

  • MATIC (on Polygon network - without need for approval, only when taker is buying the NFT)

  • ETH (on Ethereum network - without need for approval, only when taker is buying the NFT)

🛠 Operations supported (move to top)

  • List an NFT for MATIC, ETH, or an ERC20 token

    • Example: "Sell Bored Ape 4473 for 55.3 ETH"

    • Example: "Sell Azuki 3062 for 12,000 USDC"

  • Bid on an NFT using an ERC20 token

  • Cancel an already made listing

  • Bid on an NFT using an ERC20 token

Let's get started!

Last updated